Stanford Carr Development's response to Michelle Lincoln’s Maui New’s Viewpoint article published earlier in the week rebutting her false statements and allegations June 17, 2014 Maui News
(Michele Lincoln) In the June 17th issue of the Maui News, Michele Lincoln submitted her views on Kahoma Village. As the representative of the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation and the developer, I am compelled to correct the inaccuracies in her view point. The Kahoma Village project was thoroughly reviewed by the Department of Housing and Human Concerns (DHHC) and the Maui County Council prior to its approval as an Affordable Housing Project. Correction of Ms. Lincoln’s view point is that this project will meet the affordable criteria of DHHC at the time of sale. The 102 multi-family townhouses are being proposed in the high $200,000.00s and not $685,000.00 as reported. The pricing for the 101 market single-family units is estimated to begin in the mid-$500,000.00 and low $700,000.00. Archaeological surveys of the entire parcel was conducted by Xamaneck Researches. Once the debris piles and homeless were removed our archaeologist conducted the necessary surveys and no burials were encountered. However, archaeological monitoring will be conducted during construction. Appropriate action will be taken should we encounter any burials. Based on an 1884 map, the Alamihi Pond is located makai of Front Street on County of Maui property. Ms. Lincoln fails to mention the West Maui Community Plan adopted in 1996 included more uses than park and open space. She fails to mention the property is identified as Project District, which includes a mixture of commercial/business, multi-family, senior residential, as well as 6-acres of park/open space. As a Maui boy and the developer I am aware of the need for housing in West Maui. My desire is to help satisfy the housing need and not to develop additional commercial/business uses. Also, since 1996 the land along the south bank of Kahoma Stream identified as linear open space is now under the jurisdiction of the County of Maui and Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) as part of the Kahoma Flood Control Channel. If a linear park is desired along the south bank of Kahoma Stream it would need to be implemented through the County of Maui in coordination with the ACE. Ms. Lincoln further fails to mention that since adoption of the West Maui Community Plan the County of Maui revised its General Plan and includes the Maui Island Plan (MIP), which identified directed growth maps for the island. In the MIP the property is identified in the Urban Growth Boundary as Lahaina Infill. The description of the property includes the residential uses and approximately 2.0 acres of park and open space. Since 1996 West Maui has evolved and the MIP is more of a reflection of the desires of the community. The permit review process with the County of Maui will ensure necessary public services, including sewers, are available for the project prior to its construction. Should public services not be available then the project will not move forward. Ms. Lincoln also fails to mention that alternative parking will be available once roadway improvements are completed. The project is required to improve both Kenui Street and Front Street with curbs, gutters and sidewalks. On Kenui Street approximately 30 parking spaces will be provided, which can be used by beach goers. Finally, I have not ignored the traffic concerns expressed by some owners on Puunoa Place. In response to their concern a supplemental traffic analysis was conducted and reviewed by the County Department of Public Works (DPW). As a result, the DPW concurred with the proposed location of the driveway accesses. Although apparently not totally successful I have tried to address the concerns expressed by the community. In this effort, Ms. Lincoln fails to mention that prior to submitting my applications with the County of Maui I held a community meeting on February 15, 2012 to obtain community input. This resulted in revisions in the project plans, including the driveway entrances that are being objected to by residents on Puunoa Place. I continue to be available to discuss the concerns of the community, including those who are in need of affordable housing in the West Maui community. Stanford S. Carr, President Stanford Carr Development, LLC Comments are closed.
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