Goals & Objectives
Click each heading to read more about it
- Promote the development and construction of a critical access medical facility in West Maui with associated facilities.
- Support emergency preparedness programs for West Maui, including implementation of the H.H.A.R.P. Program
- Support budget requests for MEO projects and improved police and fire fighting facilities in West Maui.
- Support Police Requests for personnel and equipment
- Support Fire Requests for personnel and equipment.
- Continue to support funding for air ambulance
- Support a third recycling program in Lahaina
- Support for the Lahaina Complex After School Tutoring Program.
- Support increased educational opportunities in West Maui
- Continue to support and lobby for funding for facilities in need of repair
- Promote the completion of the Lahaina Bypass and other traffic mitigation projects in West Maui. Support design and construction of alternative roadways to reduce traffic on Honoapiilani Highway (ie Kahua Street).
- Pursue completion of the upgrades and paving of the Lower Honoapiilani Road from Kahana to Napili,Complete Shaw Street sidewalk from Front Street to Honoapiilani Highway
- Spur County to complete Shaw Street sidewalk from Front Street to Honoapiilani Highway as promised.
- Promote implementation of the Maui County Complete Streets Ordinance on all West Maui projects, especially pedestrian safety improvements at the Front Street/Fleming Road and Honoapiilani Highway intersection.
- Fund implementation of the Maui County Complete Streets Ordinance on all West Maui projects.
- Promote the expansion and improvement of County public transit service in West Maui including an extension of public bus hours of operation till midnight for swing shift employees.
- Support County Pavement Preservation Program
- Support Realignment of Honoapiilani Highway
- Support completion of all North phases of the Lahaina Bypass
- Continue to support well planned housing projects in West Maui that include both affordable and work force elements. (ie: Kaanapali 2020, Villages at Leiallii, Puukolii Village Mauka, Pulelehua, etc.)
- Support the expansion of the Ka Hale A Ke Ola Homeless Resource Center to address the homeless encampment problems in West Maui.
- Support acquisition of Front Street Apartments
- Support the extension of the Kapalua Coastal Trail north to Honolua Bay
- Aggressively develop under-utilized water resources to ensure adequate supply for current and future needs (Mahinahina Well site 12.5 M)
- County Connector Roadway for North portion of Lahaina Bypass
- Represent taxpayers in the budgeting process, with an emphasis on right-sizing government and greater efficiency in government programs.
- Support efforts to reform the permitting process and change the Planning Department focus more to customer service with fewer bureaucratic hurdles and a less expensive permitting process.
- Promote business friendly regulatory and tax policies for enhanced job creation, especially in the hospitality industry.
- Support fairness and certainty in real property taxation.
- Support the effort to bring fairness and true voter representation to the Maui County election process for Council seats.
- Promote communication between West Maui taxpayers and their government with the annual WMTA meetings, the WMTA Candidates Night (the only such forum on the West side), and aggressive get-out-the-vote efforts.
- Preserve and promote Hawaiian cultural efforts, such as:
- Waiola Graveyard
- Support the creation of a new cemetery in West Maui
- Support restoration of Moku'ula
- Support the operation/preservation of the new West Maui skate park.
- Fund and construct the West Maui Greenway project
- Fund planning monies for the continued development of new county shoreline parks from Puamana to Olowalu
- Urge completion and promotion of a shoreline walkway from 505 Front Street to Honokowai.
- Continue to support and fund the Lahaina Harbor improvements currently under construction by the Lahaina Restoration Foundation
- Pursue funding for improvements to the Honokowai sewage treatment plant, to provide treatment, storage and distribution systems to re-use treated wastewater instead of using injection wells, and to promote less usage of potable water for landscaping irrigation.
human concerns
- Support budget requests for MEO
Updated: May, 2018